Easycom helps Stadium to reduce return management costs by more than 40 percent
Easycom provides unique solutions for return management, something Ehandel.se highlighted in a feature recently.

Easycom provides unique solutions for return management, something Ehandel.se highlighted in a feature recently. The feature explains how Swedish leading sports retailer Stadium has almost halved its costs and lead times for returns, and reduced its e-commerce return share by approx. three percentage points.
Easycom’s platform comprises solutions for smart digital returns, return room management, return hub solutions and business intelligence action boards for true profitability on product and consumer level. Fully implemented, the solutions provide reconversion, operational and logistical savings resulting in significantly improved profit margins.
Given the current development with increased focus on efficiency and profitability within the
e-commerce segment, we see an exciting time ahead for Easycom. We look forward to working alongside Easycom to continue to drive its expansion, implementing sustainable and cost-efficient returns management solutions in Sweden, the Nordics and Europe.